Saturday 2 January 2021

Conventual High Mass Of Lætare Sunday. Saint Michael's Abbey, Farnborough. The Silver Jubilee of Monastic Profession Of Father Abbot Cuthbert Brogan O.S.B. 2014.


Silver Jubilee of Monastic Profession
of Father Abbot Cuthbert Brogan O.S.B.
Available on YouTube at


  1. Fast after Midnight for
    Holy Communion.
    Happy Blessed New Year,

  2. Dear Andrew. Many thanks for your kind Good Wishes for The New Year. I reciprocate to you, of course, together with your family and friends.
    Delighted to read that you follow the same Holy Communion requirements as I do: Fast After Midnight.
    This is what used to be the norm and upon which I was brought up and instructed in. I continue to do so.

    In my opinion, this makes a much worthier Holy Communion (receiving The Blood, Body, Soul, And Divinity Of Our Lord Jesus Christ) than the Modern-Day practice of having the ability for a cheese sandwich, a cup of coffee, and a bit of cheese-cake, just before going up to The Altar Rails for “COMMUNION IN THE HAND” !!! (I do, sincerely, hope that those hands have been washed and cleaned and sanitised, prior to receiving Our Lord !!!),
