Tuesday 5 January 2021

Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal, Canada.

Notre-Dame Basilica,
Montreal, Canada.

The breath-taking Light Show
from Montreal's beautiful Notre-Dame Basilica.
Available on YouTube at

Montreal's stunning Notre-Dame Basilica.
Available on YouTube at


  1. What a beautiful Cathedral, and I understand this has a 120-year-old, magnificent 101-rank, 4-manual Casavant pipe organ with wonderful reed and profound (32’) pedal stops. There are episodes showing performances of it on YouTube.

    Thank you for yet another feast for the eyes, Zephyrinus.

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. As always, many thanks for your erudite Comments and kind support. Delighted that this magnificent Cathedral met with your approval. And Thank You for the information on its Pipe Organ, which Zephyrinus found of great interest.
