Friday 8 January 2021

“Oh, Dear” !!! Chauffeur Perkins Has Got Ideas Of Grandeur, Again. This Time, It's A 1934 Packard Twelve Victoria Convertible. Take It Back, Perkins. The Garage Is Too Small !!!

1934 Packard Twelve Victoria Convertible.
Illustration: HEMMINGS

Chauffeur Perkins drives Zephyrinus to Sunday Mass
in the current Charabanc, which Perkins is not enamoured with.
Illustration: PINTEREST


  1. Pretty funny. 😄

    Absolutely correct, the 1930s Packards were absolutely beautiful vehicles. My father got a job as a gas station attendant when he was 16, worked hard and saved up money, and in 1938 bought a 1935 or 36 Packard sedan which he loved.

    When he became a US Army officer and was commissioned in 1941 before the war started for the US, he drove it up and down the West Coast to his assignments, and he said it was an incredibly reliable and safe car. In fact, once he drove off the road, having fallen asleep at the wheel, and it rumbled to a stop in a shallow ditch, of course jolting him awake. He was fine, the car was fine, and with the help of a highway patrolman, got it back on the road and made it to his duty station on time. After that he decided to make sure to get enough rest before he sojourned on! Beautiful and durable vehicles.

    Perkins is right, Zephyrinus, buy the Packard and figure out the garage later!

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Thank You for your Comment. Your father obviously had impeccable taste.

      You have started something !!! Perkins (Chauffeur) is now claiming great international support for his idea of obtaining “a better, bigger, and more up-to-date, Charabanc”.
