Friday 5 February 2021

Supporting Reverend Fr. Zuhlsdorf From Harassment And Bullying In The United States.

The Crucifixion.
Artist: Léon Bonnat.
Illustration: PINTEREST

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Supporting Fr Zuhlsdorf.

It was from Fr Tim Finigan’s “Hermeneutic of Continuity” Blog that I learned the other day of the current harassment of the leading US Catholic Blogger Fr John Zuhlsdorf. Fr Finigan, no stranger himself to similar harassment and bullying a few years ago, in The United Kingdom, wrote about Fr Z at On the Attempted Cancellation of Father Zuhlsdorf

I have not met Fr Zuhlsdorf, although I once saw him in Oxford, have enjoyed his Blog and heard him speak on The Latin Mass Society’s Online Conference last summer.

Fr Hunwicke has also posted about the situation Fr Zuhlsdorf faces at Father John Zuhlsdorf and in it urges his readers to do something to support his fellow Priest. As some of the comments there say, there is not much someone in the UK can do in these circumstances. What I am doing is adding Fr Zuhlsdorf to my Prayers and writing this Post to draw attention to the situation. It may not be much, but it is something.

The seeming pursuit of Fr Zuhlsdorf, for daring to uphold Traditional Belief and Practice, is indicative not only of a tendency amongst certain “liberal” Catholics of a certain generation, but also apparently of the febrile state of Catholicism in the US in the wake of last year’s elections. Neither are good, and neither will be resolved quickly.

I have no doubt that Fr Zuhlsdorf as a man of Faith and Principles will surmount this particular storm, but it should not be one he has to face - although we have to remember the Dominical warning that such are indeed the trials of His followers.


  1. Thank you for informing me of the current warfare going on against Father Z.

    The current political climate in the US,after a very doubtful election, is nothing less than alarming. The suppression of free expression of ideas is truly Soviet-style. The party in power does not have the consent of the great majority of American citizens. And they know it. And this is why they are so desperate to suppress dissent and consolidate power.

    Fortunately there is some recourse the traditional Catholic faith. As a student of history, one knows that—as powerful and terrifying as they all once were—-Lenin passed away, Stalin passed away, Hitler passed away, Fidel Castro passed away, and all these earthly kingdoms will fail in time. Only Jesus Christ is King of Glory through all ages.

    And daily the traditional eternal Catholic Mass reigns until He comes again.

  2. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, for your most welcome Comment.

    To paraphrase: “ . . . the things of this World will pass away, but My Words will not pass away”.
    “ . . . the Gates of Hell will not prevail against My Church”.

    And, The Blessed Virgin Mary also states: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”.

  3. Amen. “Marana tha.” 1 Cor. 16:22, Apoc. 22:20
