Tuesday 23 February 2021

Virtual Reconstruction Of Cluny Abbey.

English: The Monastery of Cluny, France - Entrance to the Abbey.
Deutsch: Das Kloster von Cluny - Eingang zur Abtei.
Engraving: Unknown date.
Photo: 1926-1933.
erstellt in der Photographischen Werkstatt
der Preußischen Staatsbibliothek von 1926-1933.
Author: Émile Sagot (1805–1888).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cluny Abbey.
Virtually reconstructed.
Available on YouTube at


  1. Very interesting. Although as Zephyrinus knows, we can imagine, based on historical witnesses, that Cluny, especially the Abbey church, was very richly decorated with stained glass windows depicting the Life of Christ, the Blessed Virgin, and the saints as well as many extraordinary statues and various apses and side alters.

    I wonder when someone will attempt a computer graphic reconstruction of the great and legendary Glastonbury Abbey and it’s church. Now that would be something!

  2. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, for your most interesting contribution to this Article. Indeed, the destruction of Cluny Abbey was a great tragedy for The Church. When Zephyrinus eventually wins The Euro-Lottery, he plans to re-build Cluny Abbey, in all its glory, for the greater glory of God.

    A wonderful Comment, reference Glastonbury Abbey. Indeed, I think that the present incumbent at Glastonbury (Dom Bede Rowe, “The Community of Our Lady of Glastonbury”, http://frbederowe.blogspot.com/
    would concur wholeheartedly with your suggestion.
