Saturday 24 April 2021

Prayers Before The Relic Of Blessed Richard Whiting. Plus, Prayer For The End Of The Pandemic. From The Monastery Of Our Lady Saint Mary Of Glastonbury.


Meditation and Prayers in front of
The Relic of Blessed Richard Whiting.
Plus, Prayer for the end of the Pandemic.
From The Monastery of Our Lady Saint Mary of Glastonbury.
Available on YouTube at


  1. Indeed: As Zephyrinus knows, Bl. Abbot Richard Whiting, one of the most cruelly and unjustly judged and martyred Catholic blessed, along with his two companions, Br’s. John Thorne & Richard James.

    May God have mercy on us, through his and their intercession.

    1. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, for your welcome Comment and contribution.

      Indeed, these Blessed Martyrs sustained The Faith and gave their lives for Our Blessed Lord.

      The Age of Martyrdom, of course, continues to our days. There are countless instances of thousands of people being killed for their Christian Faith all over the World. Rest assured that The Good Lord, and His Blessed Mother, Mary, welcome these Modern-Day Martyrs into their Just Reward.

      Evil Men, for all their wickedness and so-called cleverness, will have to answer for their cruel acts, one day.

      We remember these Blessed Martyrs, and continue to Pray to them, in our Daily Prayers.
