Friday 9 April 2021

Should Your Church Be Closed For Confession, Ensure That Your Parish Priest (Pastor) Has Your Home Address . . .


  1. Great picture!

    Do you know well into the late 1800s, even some say til in the early 1900s, in my family’s hometown of San Jose in California, the Franciscan mission priests that staffed Santa Clara Mission (later, the Jesuits) had a portable “Penitencia”—-a confessional— that stood by a creek near the east foothills of the valley, for people who found it too far to have to travel to the Mission Church on the other side of the valley on Saturdays, which were still days of work for farm folk (every day is a day of work for farm folk of course).

    The creek is still called “Penitencia Creek”— although 99 out of 100 people not even know what it means or how it originated

    < Sigh> We had such wonderful and comforting customs.

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Thank You for this most riveting contribution to this Post. This Blog's Readership will now be better skilled in their understanding of the meaning of “Penitencia Creek” (as, indeed, is Zephyrinus).
      “Do You Know The Way To San Jose ?”

    2. 😊 Dionne Warwick’s famous anthem (“Do You Know..”) —when San Jose was still a “small town.”

      She was invited by the then-Mayor of San Jose to receive the “keys of the city” in 1974 for her hit-song—and admitted that til then, she had never seen nor visited the city!—but she thought it was a nice tune.

  2. And, in case you don't KNOW THE WAY TO SAN JOSE, remember, you are ONLY 24 HOURS FROM TULSA.
