Tuesday 25 May 2021

Saint Gregory VII (1073-1085). Pope And Confessor. Feast Day 25 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Gregory VII.
   Pope and Confessor.
   Feast Day 25 May.


White Vestments.

Pope Saint Gregory VII
Celebrating Mass
(inspired by The Holy Ghost).
Date: 1878.
Source: Scanned by Uploader.
Page 292 of Little Pictorial Lives Of The Saints.
Benzinger Brothers.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Saint Gregory VII.
Available on YouTube at

Born at Soana, Tuscany, Italy, Hildebrand became a Monk in the famous Benedictine Monastery of Cluny, on which, at the time, depended two thousand Monasteries. He soon became Prior, and was later Elected Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Paul-Without-the-Walls, Rome, and made a Cardinal of The Roman Church.

At the death of Pope Alexander II, in 1073, he was Elected Pope and took the name of Gregory VII. Thus, entrusted with the government of The House of God (Gospel, Communion), he participated in the full Priesthood of Jesus (Introit, Epistle).

At a time when the Bishops, mostly "Simoniacal", were the dependents of Lay Princes, he strove with such constancy to defend the liberty of The Church (Collect) that, as we are assured, no Pontiff, since the time of The Apostles, undertook more labours for her (The Church) or fought more courageously for her independence.

While he was saying Mass, a Dove was seen to come down on him: The Holy Ghost thereby bore witness of the Supernatural views that guided him in the government of The Church. Forced to leave Rome, he died at Salerno in 1085, saying those words, the first of which are from Psalm XLIV: "I have loved justice and hated iniquity: That is why I die in exile."

Following the example of Saint Gregory, let us overcome with courage all adversities (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.
Commemoration: Of Saint Urban I.

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