Thursday 13 May 2021

The Feast Day Of Our Lady Of Fatima. 13 May.

Our Lady of Fatima.
“Putting up with any sacrifices, that are asked of us in our day-to-day lives, becomes a slow Martyrdom, which purifies us and raises us up to the level of the Supernatural, through the encounter of our Soul with God, in the atmosphere of the presence of The Most Holy Trinity within us.
We have here an incomparable Spiritual Richness !!!”
Words of The Servant of God, Sister Lucia. 1997.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Wednesday, 13 May 2020, is
The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima.

Her words, quoted above, might be particularly appropriate for these days, if we are finding things difficult, to be away from loved ones, to be struggling at home, to be in financial difficulties and, of course, to be unable to attend
The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass.

Whatever befalls us in life can be offered to Almighty God for His Grace, to transform it by bringing forth good
out of adversity, or by raising up
the merely human to the Supernatural.

The Daily Offering.

O, Jesus, through The Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
I offer you all the Prayers, Works, Sufferings and Joys
of this day, in union with The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass
offered throughout the World.

I offer them for all the intentions of
Your Most Sacred Heart:
For the Salvation of Souls;
Reparation for sin;
And the Reunion of all Christians.


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