Friday 24 September 2021

A New Latin Mass Commenced At The Memorial Church Of Saint Joan Of Arc, Catterick Garrison, Yorkshire, Thursday, 15 October 2020, 1200 hrs.

This Article first appeared in 2020.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Starting on Thursday, 15 October 2020, a Latin Mass will be Celebrated at The Memorial Church of Saint Joan of Arc, Catterick Barracks, Yorkshire.

It will take place on Thursdays at 1200 hrs (Noon),
and be Celebrated by Fr David Smith (Military Chaplain).

The address is Hipswell Road West,
Catterick Garrison, Yorkshire DL9 3BP.

It is open to the Public, and I understand that there
are no special security requirements to gain access.

However, Fr Smith suggests that visitors telephone him
on 01748 873849, before travelling, to be sure The Mass
has not been cancelled due to Military Duties.

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