Tuesday 6 July 2021

Press Release – Pro-Life Victory. Major Attempt To Hijack Domestic Abuse Bill With Extreme ABORTION Amendments Fails. Diane Johnson MP Withdraws Her Amendment When Obvious The ABORTION Lobby Would Be Defeated. Deo Gratias For The Little Ones.

Illustration: RIGHT TO LIFE

This Article is a reprint from July 2020.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, RIGHT TO LIFE

An attempt to hijack the U.K. Government’s flagship Domestic Abuse Bill with two extreme ABORTION proposals has failed, in a major Pro-Life victory.

The Speaker of The House, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, announced this afternoon that Amendment New Clause 29, which would have introduced ABORTION for ANY REASON up to twenty-eight weeks, would NOT be selected for debate.

Diana Johnson MP then, this evening, announced that she would be withdrawing Amendment New Clause 28 which would have allowed both medical and surgical ABORTIONS to take place in any location if a woman is in an abusive relationship.

Illustration: RIGHT TO LIFE

If Diana Johnson had pushed the Amendment to a vote and lost, this would have been the FIRST TIME that a PRO-ABORTION Amendment or Bill had been defeated in a vote in U.K. history.

It appears that the ABORTION LOBBY realised that it was very likely that Diana Johnson’s Amendment was going to be defeated and encouraged the Labour MP to instead withdraw the Amendment.

A large number of MPs in the Debate this evening spoke out against these attempts to hijack the Domestic Abuse Bill with extreme ABORTION Amendments. This included stirring speeches from Fiona Bruce MP and Carla Lockhart MP, along with a number of MPs who don’t agree with the Pro-Life position on ABORTION, but made it clear that the Amendment was poorly drafted and would have had serious negative consequences for women in domestic abuse scenarios.

Illustration: RIGHT TO LIFE

Amendment New Clause 28 would have allowed both medical and surgical ABORTIONS to take place in ANY LOCATION if a woman is in an abusive relationship. This Amendment went far beyond the temporary measures that allow ‘DIY’ home telemedicine ABORTIONS, by making both medical and surgical ABORTIONS legal outside of a hospital or place approved by The Secretary of State. Current temporary measures allowing the home use of ABORTION pills are limited to nine weeks and six days’ gestation for safety reasons. There was no similar time limit outlined in this Amendment.

Amendment New Clause 29 would have made extreme changes to ABORTION legislation by repealing Sections 58 and 59 of The Offences Against The Person Act. This would have left England and Wales with no ABORTION law through to twenty-eight weeks.

Illustration: RIGHT TO LIFE

Almost all current legal safeguards on ABORTION would have been removed, up until when a child is capable of being born alive, with a ceiling of twenty-eight weeks. This would have introduced ABORTION on demand, for ANY REASON (including sex-selective ABORTION) up to twenty-eight weeks. The change would have been the most extreme change to ABORTION legislation since 1967 and would have left England and Wales with one of the most extreme ABORTION laws in the World.

The failed proposals were radically out of step with the opinions of women on ABORTION. Polling from Savanta ComRes on whether time limits for ABORTION should be increased shows that only 1% of women wanted the time limit to be extended; in contrast, 70% of women favour a reduction in time limits.

The polling also showed that 77% of women agree that doctors should be required to verify in person that a patient seeking an ABORTION is not under pressure from a third party to undergo the ABORTION, and 91% of women agree that gender-selective ABORTION should be explicitly banned by the law.

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