Tuesday 20 July 2021

Saint Margaret. Virgin. Martyr. Feast Day 20 July. Zephyrinus Shows Off His “Missale Romanum” From 1861. (Much Better Than A “Missalette”).

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Margaret.
   Virgin And Martyr.
   Feast Day 20 July.


Red Vestments.

The Introit for The Mass for Saint Margaret, Virgin and Martyr, on 20 July, from Zephyrinus's Missale Romanum (dated 1861), which was kindly given by a Priest friend. Readers have to decide whether this Liturgical presentation has more Sanctity, Profundity, and Worth, than what is often on offer in today's "Missalettes".

The size of the Missale Romanum is 17 inches tall (43 cm) and 12 inches wide (30 cm). Not exactly designed to fit into one's pocket. It was probably designed to rest on a Brass Eagle Lectern in a Monastic Sanctuary.

Mass: Me exspectavérunt.
All Illustrations: ZEPHYRINUS

Margaret, who had been taught The Christian Religion by her nurse, perished by the sword in the cruel General Persecution, at Antioch, in Pisidia, towards 255 A.D. - 275 A.D.

From The East, her Veneration was carried to The West, during The Crusades. She is especially invoked by those about to become mothers. Her name is in The List of The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints (see The Post for 28 July 2015).


  1. A beautiful edition, to guide reflection and prayer, Zephyrinus. Almost envious!

    1. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, for your welcome Comment. Indeed, this particular Missal means a tremendous amount to Zephyrinus. As you say, quite correctly, it is a beautiful edition.

      It was designed, printed (in 1861), bound, and supplied, with an enormous amount of love and devotion to the Praise, Worship, and Glorification, of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ in The Divine Latin Mass, and, in these current Diabolical Times in The Church's suffering, it is a God-Send.

      Rest assured that it is not tucked away, hidden and unloved, on one's Library Shelves. It has pride of place on one's Library Desk and the pages are meticulously turned, every day.

      This is to ensure that the original reason for producing such a beautiful masterpiece (the Praise, Worship, and Glorification of Our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ in The Divine Latin Mass) remains relevant, constant, and in use, every day, 160 years after it was first published.
