Thursday 26 August 2021

Announcing “Sacra Liturgia”, San Francisco. On 28 June 2022 - 1 July 2022.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,


After postponements caused by the global pandemic, “Sacra Liturgia” is delighted to announce its fifth international conference on the Sacred Liturgy to be held, at the invitation of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, in San Francisco, California, USA, from 28 June 2022 – 1 July 2022.

His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah will give the keynote presentation and will be joined by a number of internationally-renowned Speakers and Liturgical Scholars, including: Bishop Steven Lopes; Father Joseph Fessio, SJ; Father Michael Lang; Dom Alcuin Reid; Professor Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka; Professor Duncan Stroik, in addressing a variety of Liturgical questions pertinent to the life of The Church in our day.
In line with previous international conferences in Rome, New York, London and Milan, “Sacra Liturgia” San Francisco 2022, will include daily exemplary Solemn Liturgical Celebrations of Mass or Vespers, concluding with a Pontifical Mass of Saint Junipero Serra, The Apostle of California, on his Feast Day, 1 July 2022.

Further details of Speakers and Topics will be announced in October 2021. Registration Prices and Facilities, including affordable accommodation options, will be made available in January 2022.

The full Conference Programme will be published after Easter 2022.

“Sacra Liturgia” is profoundly grateful to Archbishop Cordileone for his invitation to come to San Francisco and for the opportunity to reconvene there. We look forward, in line with our previous Conferences, to an informative event that will form its participants in the Spirit and Power of The Sacred Liturgy and its Authentic Renewal in The Church of the 21st-Century.

P. S. At the time of writing the dates of The Seventh International English-Speaking “Sacra Liturgia” Summer School, to be held in The Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, France, in the Summer of 2022, are being decided. They will be published through the usual “Sacra Liturgia” media in due course.


I am delighted that The Fifth international “Sacra Liturgia” Conference will be held in San Francisco, United States of America, from 28 June 2022 - 1 July 2022. Since 2013, in Rome, New York, London, Milan, Clergy, Religious, and Laity, concerned for the worthy and integral Celebration of The Sacred Liturgy, have come together to further their own Learning and Formation in The Sacred Liturgy, to Pray The Liturgy together, and to renew and build friendships amongst those active in what Cardinal Ratzinger once described as “The New Liturgical Movement.”

“Sacra Liturgia” San Francisco 2022 will continue this work, emphasising the essential nature of authentic Liturgical Formation and of the true and beautiful Celebration of The Sacred Liturgy in the life and mission of The Whole Church in the 21st-Century.

I am profoundly grateful to His Excellency Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, at whose personal initiative “Sacra Liturgia” will come to his Archdiocese. So, too, I am delighted that His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah will be present as a Keynote Speaker; all those who heard his powerful addresses to “Sacra Liturgia” in London and in Milan, will look forward to his contribution next year. I thank him and all the Speakers in advance for their willingness to contribute.

The success of previous “Sacra Liturgia” Conferences has been predicated on the generosity of local Organisers, Benefactors, and Sponsors. Without them, we could not operate or provide admission at reasonable rates, particularly for Students, Seminarians, and Religious.

I thank in advance all those who will help us do this again for “Sacra Liturgia” San Francisco. Almighty God will not fail to reward your kindness !

I Pray that “Sacra Liturgia” 2022 will bring many Blessings to San Francisco, The United States, and to The Universal Church !

+ Dominique Rey.
Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon, France.


The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council taught that: “Zeal for the Promotion and Restoration of The Liturgy is rightly held to be a sign of The Providential Dispositions of God in our time, as a movement of The Holy Spirit in His Church. It is, today, a distinguishing mark of The Church’s Life, indeed of the whole tenor of contemporary Religious thought and action” (SC, n. 43).

The “Sacra Liturgia” International Conferences on The Sacred Liturgy have been promoting The Council’s vision of zeal for the Promotion and Restoration of The Liturgy for the past eight years. We are honoured and delighted to welcome “Sacra Liturgia” here to San Francisco for its fifth such International Conference, to be held from 28 June 2022 – 1 July 2022 at Saint Mary’s Cathedral.

His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah will give the Keynote Presentation. The Conference will also feature a number of other Internationally-Renowned Speakers and Liturgical Scholars, including Bishop Steven Lopes, Father Joseph Fessio SJ, Father Michæl Lang, Dom Alcuin Reid, Professor Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka, and Professor Duncan Stroik, who will address a variety of Liturgical questions pertinent to The Life of The Church in our day.

In line with previous International Conferences, “Sacra Liturgia” San Francisco 2022 will include daily exemplary Solemn Liturgical Celebrations of Mass or Vespers, concluding with a Pontifical Mass of Saint Júnipero Serra on his Feast Day, 1 July 2022.

The Mass will be held in the Basilica of Mission Dolores (Founded directly by Saint Serra) and will be the premier of the newly-composed Mass in Honour of Saint Júnipero Serra by the Composer-in-Residence of The Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship, Frank LaRocca.

Further details of Speakers and Topics will be announced in October 2021. Registration Prices and Facilities, including affordable accommodation options, will be made available in January 2022. The Full Conference Programme will be published after Easter 2022.

We look forward to an informative Event that will, with The Grace of God, further the “Movement of The Holy Spirit in His Church” and affirm The Restoration of The Church’s Sacred Liturgy as the “Distinguishing Mark of The Church’s Life, [and] indeed of the whole tenor of contemporary Religious Thought and Action.”

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