Sunday 22 August 2021

Prayer Of Saint Bernard Of Clairvaux To The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother Of God.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven by Her Beloved Son.

This Article, published on The Feast Day of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
(20 August), is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Your Mercy tastes sweeter to the miserable, and we
embrace your Mercy with more affection, reflect on it
more often, and invoke it more frequently.

For it is your Mercy that gained a Cure
for the whole World and obtained Salvation for all.

Who then can search out the length and breadth
of your Mercy, O, Blessed Woman, or its height or depth ?

Its length is such that it comes to the aid
of all who call upon it, up until the last day.

Its breadth fills the terrestrial sphere,
so that the whole Earth is full of your Mercy.

Its height is such that it contrives
to bring about the renewal of the Heavenly City.

And its depth gains redemption for those
who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

May your piety, you, who found
favour with God, be known to the World;

May it, through your Holy Prayers,
obtain pardon for the guilty,
health for the sick, 
strength for the faint-hearted,
consolation for the afflicted,
and help and deliverance in danger.

On this day of Solemnity and Joy, O, Merciful Queen,
may your Son, Our Lord, shower the gifts of His Grace
on your servants, who call upon
The Most Sweet Name of Mary with Praise.

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