Wednesday 1 September 2021

Join The Sodality Of The Blessed Sacrament. The Confraternity Of The Holy Eucharist. The Shrine Of The Blessed Sacrament, Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane, London.

Corpus Christi Church,
Maiden Lane, London WC2E 7NB.
Photo: 3 December 2018.
Source: Own work.
Author: AndyScott
(Wikimedia Commons)

Fostering Devotion.

“Of all Devotions, that of adoring Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament is the greatest Devotion, after The Sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us”.
– Saint Alphonsus Liguori.

The Holy Eucharist.
The Church’s Beating Heart.

The Blessed Sacrament is the greatest gift Our Lord left to us at The Last Supper. Since its institution, The Eucharist has been the source and summit
of our Catholic life.

It is the mission of The Shrine and The Sodality to help spread the joy of this great Sacrament to the
Secular World around us.

Sign Up, Today.

Join The Sodality Of The Blessed Sacrament on-line, today, to have The Monthly Divine Masses offered for your intentions.

You will also receive a Sodality Badge and The Monthly Newsletter.

Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane, London, was Founded in 1873 by Cardinal Manning as a Sanctuary of The Blessed Sacrament.

Since then, millions of people
have passed through the Church’s doors and encountered Jesus Christ, The Son of God, in the 
“tiny White Host” in the Monstrance (Venerable Fulton Sheen).

This Church, in the heart of London, has the Adoration and Veneration
of The Blessed Sacrament
as its sole purpose.

Corpus Christi Church has a rich Tradition of noble Liturgical Celebrations and pious Devotion to The Eucharist.

It was a former Parish Priest of
the Parish, Fr. Francis Stanfield (1835-1914), who wrote “Sweet Sacrament Divine” – a Hymn loved by Catholics Worldwide.

Mgr. Ronald Knox preached here on The Feast of Corpus Christi, every year from 1926 until 1956, and his Sermons were compiled in the book “The Window in the Wall”.

The Sodality Celebrates a Divine Mass every month at Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane, which will be offered for Members’ intentions.

Each month there is a different Guest Preacher, who will offer a reflection on a certain aspect of The Blessed Sacrament. At the end of Mass, there is a period of Adoration, followed by Benediction, after which will follow a social event at a nearby pub or restaurant.

The Masses are usually on The First Thursday of the Month at 6:30 p.m., though there may be some exceptions to this.

Masses are also Live-Streamed.
The Link is

The Web-Site of
The Sodality Of The Blessed Sacrament
can be found HERE

The address of Corpus Christi Church is:
1 - 5, Maiden Lane, London WC2E 7NB.
Telephone: 020 7836 4700.

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