Sunday 26 September 2021

The Traditional Latin Mass In The Heart Of Limerick, Ireland. Deo Gratias.


The Traditional Latin Mass,
Limerick, Ireland.
Available on YouTube at


  1. Zephyrinus: Is not this the church (Sacred Heart in Limerick) that the Jesuits virtually abandoned about 2005 and sold to a real estate developer, st the time even abandoning (it is said) altar cloths, vessels, vestments and statues, but the Institute of Christ the King rescued from imminent danger of collapse?

    Thank you for the info: I have saved their daily Mass activities to my YouTube favorites.

  2. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, for your welcome Comment. As always, very good to hear from you.

    Yes, you are correct. This beautiful Church was sold to a developer in 2006 who had plans to turn it into a Leisure Centre and Bar.

    After the developer died in 2009, the Church was in danger of falling into disrepair. However, due to help from numerous friends, The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest acquired it.

    Since then, the Divine Latin Mass has returned to Limerick with great success. The Web-Site of the Church can be found at

  3. Thank you, as usual your blog is a Godsend truly:

    Now I can follow the ICKSP daily Mass and their frequent devotions if unable to actually attend in person, since their time zone is 8 hours ahead of the western USA and their Mass for the day is saved @YouTube.

    Absolutely pricelessly beautiful church and artwork, saved by a miracle (and sorry, but as if we need another “bar” made out of a church. At least even the communists made them into libraries).

  4. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Absolutely delighted that you follow The ICKSP Daily Mass on their Web-Site and on YouTube. Plus, of course, their Traditional, and beautiful, devotions.

    Ireland is returning her sons to The Faith !!!

    When I watch these lovely Masses from Limerick, I will, of course, offer up an “Ave” for you and yours.

    in Domino
