Friday 22 October 2021

“If I Can’t Go In, Then Our Lady Has To Go In”. Priest Not Allowed By Police To Give The Last Rites To A Dying Man.

Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury, England.
Picture Credit: Shalom World / YouTube
Illustration: LIFE SITE NEWS

U.K. Bishop pleads for Priests’ access
to crime scenes, after Catholic Politician
denied The Last Rites by Police.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Bishop Mark Davies reacted to Essex Police preventing a Priest
from ministering to MP Sir David Amess, after he was stabbed, saying that: “Every believing Catholic desires to hear Christ’s words of Pardon and Absolution for the last time.”

He said that The Last Rites should be recognised as an Emergency Service, and Priests should be granted access to crime scenes, in the wake of the murder of Catholic MP Sir David Amess.

Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury challenged the decision by Essex Police to bar a Priest from administering The Last Rites to the dying Sir David Amess, after the latter was stabbed to death in front of his Constituents on Friday 15 October 2021.

The Bishop argued that “every Catholic Christian hopes to receive The Sacraments and be accompanied by The Prayer of The Church in the final crisis of our lives”.

As news of the attack broke, a Catholic Priest, Fr. Jeffrey Woolnough, the Pastor of Saint Peter’s Catholic Church, in Eastwood, Essex, made his way to the crime scene in an attempt to administer The Last Rites to the dying MP.

Though a Police Officer relayed his request to enter the crime scene, the Priest was not granted access and led a Public Recitation of The Rosary, outside the Police cordon, instead.

“If I can’t go in, then Our Lady has to go in,” the Priest told LifeSiteNews.

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