Monday 25 October 2021

Weekly Newsletter From The Institute Of Christ The King Sovereign Priest, Limerick, Ireland.

Weekly Newsletter
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
24th October 2021

Dear Friends of Sacred Heart Church,

Sorry for being a bit late in sending you the Sacred Heart Newsletter. These last few days were a bit busy. I will tell you soon about all good news regarding the presence of the Sisters Adorers in Ardee, Co. Louth.

We are well into the month of October in which we started saying the Holy Rosary during our extended time of Adoration. Our Lady told Sr. Lucy that more power and graces are attached to the recitation of the Rosary in these troubled times. Just a reminder that Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is from 4pm to 6pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays each week. The Holy Rosary is recited at 5:15pm. 

Today, 25th October, we have just celebrated the wedding of Richard and Lydia, both regular attendees at our church. Now that restrictions concerning numbers have been lifted, we were happy to see a normal number in the congregation to attend this joyful occasion and to witness this holy union in the sacrament of marriage. Please click on the picture below!

You may remember Ricardo, originally from Brazil, who came to us seeking answers to some questions about our beliefs. He has been receiving catechism lessons here for over a year now. He will be received into the Holy Catholic Church in Rome this week. We thank God for his conversion and we ask you to accompany him with your prayers on his journey, that he may grow strong in Faith.  

I have no doubt that you have noticed two typographical errors in last week’s newsletter? I called Abbe Wells James instead of Jacob. He is in his seventh year and not in his fifth year of his preparation for the Sacred Priesthood.

Next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King, instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925. I highly recommend reading his encyclical ‘Quas Primas’ that published this feast of the Kingship of Our Lord. Since our community has taken the title of this special feast day as our flagship identity, both in the preparation for and the practice of the Sacred Priesthood, we make a second collection on this day to benefit the formation of our seminarians. Thank you for keeping all our seminarians in your prayers and thank you for your generosity in helping to provide strong and well-formed candidates for this extremely important work, which is the mission that Christ Himself instituted.  

Please do not forget to pray to your Guardian Angels and today especially pray to St. Raphael. You know that he is one of the three Archangels whose names are known to us? The other two are St. Gabriel and St. Michael.

We also pray in a special way for Mr. Trevor Selby whose birthday fell on the feast of St. Raphael (yesterday). We renew our profound gratitude to him for playing the organ so beautifully and putting his skill at the service of Our Lord in the Liturgy. Again with our congratulations and prayers, particularly on this birthday! Deo Gratias!

Wishing you a blessed week,

Yours in Christ,

Canon Lebocq
Prior of Sacred Heart Church
Weekly Mass Times
Support the Irish Vocations in the Institute

Abbe Bryan McDermott (Third year Seminarian)

Abbe Raphael Lacken (Second year Seminarian)

Abbe Darrell Lally (Second year Seminarian)

Mr Christopher Burnens (First year Seminarian)

Mr Daniel Morans (Candidate)

Please remember that you can now acquire our new Latin - English Mass Booklet.
This ‘Latin - English Mass Booklet’ is a much appreciated aid to the faithful for prayerfully assisting at Holy Mass celebrated in the Extraordinary Form.
It is 100 coloured pages with solid binding that includes the ordinary of the Mass, seven musical versions of Gregorian Chant according to the liturgical time, three Credo,  directions for confession and a programme for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
A copy is available at the back of the church
(€10 each)
To contact your priests:
Canon Lebocq (Prior): 087 691 6285
Canon de Martin (Vicar): 087 645 3183
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