Tuesday 9 November 2021

Saint Theodore. Martyr. Whose Feast Day Is Today, 9 November.

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Theodore.
   Feast Day 9 November.


Red Vestments.

Saint Theodore of Amasea (Pontus),
also known as St. Theodore Tyro (Orthodox icon).
This File: 22 March 2008.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Theodore, a Soldier in The Roman Legion at Amasea (Pontus), was arrested on account of his Christian Faith.

He was cast into prison, and torn with iron hooks until his ribs were laid bare.

The Martyr, filled with joy, never ceased singing the Verse of The Psalm: "I will Bless The Lord at all times."

He was burned alive and gave up his Soul to God in 306 A.D.

Mass: Lætábitur.

Saint Theodore.
Available on YouTube at

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