Wednesday 5 January 2022

Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal, Canada.

Notre-Dame Basilica,
Montreal, Canada.

The breath-taking Light Show
from Montreal's beautiful Notre-Dame Basilica.
Available on YouTube at

Montreal's stunning Notre-Dame Basilica.
Available on YouTube at


  1. Also, the pipe organ in Notre Dame Montreal is a magnificent 101 rank 4-manual 1891 largely intact Casavant Freres, with lush color stops and magnificent fiery reeds, some of which were voiced by the great French firm of Cavaille-Coll. There are examples of it on YouTube also.

  2. Most grateful, Dante Peregrinus, for your always welcome Comments.

    Herewith, another example of your learned contributions to this Blog.

    My knowledge of Organ Music has come on in leaps and bounds since your erudite Blog Comments.

    Thank You.

  3. You are too kind, Zephyrinus:

    The pipe organ and it’s music to me is quintessentially transcendent and conveys a sense of eternity. It also adds so
    much to the Roman Liturgy.
