Saturday 8 January 2022

“Oh, Dear” !!! Chauffeur Perkins Has Got Ideas Of Grandeur, Again. This Time, It's A 1934 Packard Twelve Victoria Convertible. Take It Back, Perkins. The Garage Is Too Small !!!

1934 Packard Twelve Victoria Convertible.
Illustration: HEMMINGS

Chauffeur Perkins drives Zephyrinus to Sunday Mass
in the current Charabanc, which Perkins is not enamoured with.
Illustration: PINTEREST


  1. Hilarious.

    Zephyrinus may need to keep the Charabanc for a while—I had to check and the 1934 Packard 12 Victoria —there are reputedly only 10 known to be left in existence—had a wheelbase (Are you ready?) of 147”—more than 14’ wide—and length at least 18’ long.

    But undoubtedly Perkins wants to open up the 445, read that again, 445, cubic inch engine on an open roadway on Zephyrinus’ next Scottish fishing vacation!

  2. Dom Zephyrinus: There is a 1934 Packard Twelve Victoria listed for sale at Hemings Auto Auctions: Only $689,900 USD.

  3. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Most grateful for your welcome Comment on Perkins's grandiose idea of acquiring a 1934 Packard 12 Victoria.

    Whilst agreeing that it is, indeed, a most beautiful motor car, I “blanche” at the Hemmings Auto Auctions price of “only $689,900 USD”. I think Perkins can, in the vernacular, “take a funny run and dream on, baby”.

    I told him: “Bring that back to Zephyrinus's Garage and you'll find the Art Deco Fridge/Freezer in the passenger seat”.
