Wednesday 19 January 2022

Saints Marius, Martha, Audifax, Abachum. Martyrs. Feast Day 19 January.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saints Marius, Martha, Audifax, Abachum.
   Feast Day 19 January.


Red Vestments.

The Martyrdom of Saints Marius, Martha, Audifax, Abachum.
Even though these Holy Saints lived, and suffered Martyrdom,
nearly 2,000 years ago, we would do well by recalling their Holiness
each year on their Feast Day of 19 January.

It is a Modernistic Error to regard
only the most recent Saints, or most recent events, as applicable to us.
We can learn from the lives of all of the Saints from all times.
Illustration: A CATHOLIC LIFE

Marius and Martha, his wife, were Persian nobles, who, with their two sons, Audifax and Abachum, came to Rome to Worship God in the Reign of Emperor Claudius II. There, they visited Christians cast into prison for their Faith: "You had compassion on prisoners," says the Epistle.

They devoted themselves in many ways to the service of Religion; but, soon, they had, themselves, to suffer for The Faith: For "they were tortured and put to death" (Gospel).

"Without fearing the persecutors" (Communion), they underwent all these torments with Prayers of Thanksgiving on their lips, for, in them, they saw like "the sparrow liberated from the bird-catcher's net and who escapes towards Heaven" (Offertory), the means of going to enjoy God for evermore (Introit).

They were Martyred in 270 A.D.

Let us ask Jesus Christ "Who showed Himself so admirably in these Martyrs" (Alleluia) also to make manifest in our Souls the effects of His Divine Power, so that "enjoying Peace in this life, we may in the other receive the eternal reward" (Collect).

Mass: Justi epuléntur.
Commemoration: Saint Canute.
Epistle: Rememorámini.
Gospel: Sedénte Jesu.


  1. Beautifully expressed, Zephyrinus. These ancient martyrs were all people as real as us with human hopes and desires, not really that very different humanly speaking from us, except but above all, with a grace-filled longing to serve the Divine Lord.

    1. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, for your welcome Comment.

      I feel that it is a fairly common fault, these days, for people to omit to Pray to their Saints, either Patron Saints or otherwise.

      You are quite right, of course. These Saints are exactly the same as us, except that they have now attained the gift of being in The Eternal Presence and, as such, can respond to our Prayers and present them to God on our behalf.

      Let us Pray to these wonderful Saint, today, on their Feast Day, that they may appeal to God for our help in today's Pandemic, Victimisations, Persecutions, and other Evil-influenced actions in today's World.
