Tuesday 29 March 2022

A Homeless Tramp Was Accidentally Recorded Singing This Haunting Hymn. When People Overheard This Rendition, They Began Weeping. The Tramp Died Before He Could Be Told Of The Success Of The Recording.

“Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me, Yet”.
The Great Learning Orchestra.
Available on YouTube at

By: Gavin Bryars.

“In 1971, when I lived in London, I was working with a friend, Alan Power, on a film about people living rough in the area around the Elephant and Castle, and Waterloo Station, in London.

“In the course of being filmed, some people broke into drunken songs - sometimes bits of opera, sometimes sentimental ballads. One, who did not drink, sang a Religious Hymn, entitled “Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me, Yet”. This Hymn was not ultimately used in the film and I was given all the unused sections of tape, which included this particular bit of singing by a tramp.

“I took the tape loop to Leicester, where I was working in The Fine Arts Department, and copied the loop onto a continuous reel of tape, thinking about perhaps adding an orchestrated accompaniment to it.

“The door of the Recording Room opened onto one of the large Painting Studios, nearby, and I left the tape copying onto the continuous reel of tape, while I went for a coffee.

“When I returned, I found the normally lively and noisy room unnaturally subdued. People were moving about much more slowly than usual and a few were sitting alone, quietly weeping.

“I was puzzled, until I realised that the tape was still playing and that they had been overcome by the old man's singing. This convinced me of the emotional power of the music and of the possibilities offered by adding a simple orchestral accompaniment that respected the homeless man's nobility and simple Faith.

“The tramp died before he could hear what I had done with his singing. The piece remains as an eloquent, but understated, testimony to his spirit and optimism.

“All profits, from the ticket sales at this Concert, were given to an organisation to help homeless people.

“The Concert was sold out. More than 700 people were in the audience”.

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