Wednesday 16 March 2022

Fr. Wilfrid (Wilf) Elkin (R.I.P.). “Year’s Mind”.

“Year’s Mind”.

Fr. Wilfrid (Wilf) Elkin (R.I.P.).

Please remember in your Prayers Fr. Wilfrid (Wilf) Elkin,
who died on Saturday, 13 March 2021.

Please Pray for the repose of his Soul.

May He Rest In Peace.

The Web-Site of The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle
can be found HERE

 Fr. Wilfrid (Wilf) Elkin (R.I.P.).

Zephyrinus had the privilege and pleasure of meeting Fr. Elkin at The Latin Mass Society's Training Week for Priests and Servers at Ushaw College, Durham, in 2011.

Fr. Elkin told Zephyrinus how, in the Early-1960s, ON A DAILY BASIS, there were FOUR HUNDRED Priests and Seminarians attending The Divine Holy Mass in Saint Cuthbert's Chapel, Ushaw College.

Mass in Saint Cuthbert's Chapel,
Ushaw College,
Durham, England,
during a Latin Mass Society Training Week 
for Priests and Servers, April 2011.
Fr. Elkin was one of the Priests on the Right-Hand Side in the Stalls.
Photo: Latin Mass Society

When Fr. Elkin told the above to Zephyrinus in 2011, there were only FOUR Priests and Seminarians at Ushaw College. They would attend the Modern Novus Ordo Mass in one of the Offices of the College, because they thought “the Saint Cuthbert's Chapel was too large”.

Such is the success of The Modern Novus Ordo Mass and the outstanding success of “. . . the breath of fresh air through the windows of The Catholic Church”, as regaled in Vatican II.

Fr. Elkin was, for many years, the Author of a well-regarded Catholic Blog, entitled “Let The Welkin Ring”. His Blog can be found HERE

Fr. Elkin, whose nickname was “The Welkin” (there is a long and convoluted explanation of this epithet), was Ordained at Ushaw College, Durham, in 1959.
He Served in Pennywell, Sunderland; North Kenton, Newcastle; Consett; Ryhope, Sunderland; then, finally, in Barnard Castle.
Requiescat In Pace.
May He Rest In Peace.


  1. Requiescat in Pace, Fr. Wilkins. What a testimony, from 400 attending the daily eternal Mass of All Time (in the 1960’s) —to currently, 4 seminarians attending the Novus Ordo Mass in an office.

    And they can’t figure it out.

    1. As you say, Dante Peregrinus, “. . . they can't figure it out”.

      I recently spoke with an elderly Irish Priest, who told me: “When I was Ordained at Maynooth Seminary, Ireland, in the Early-1960s, there were over 1,000 (repeat, over one thousand) Ordinations. This year, there is ONE ORDINATION.

      “And they can't figure it out”.

      “Let those who have eyes see. Let those who have ears, hear”.

  2. So, one must pose the question:

    What is more eternal, more elevating to the mind, more inspiring, more worthy of commitment—the Traditional Latin Mass, respectfully and mindfully celebrated, or the NO Mass “in an office.”

    Question is not intended to be answered.

    1. Beautifully stated, Dante Peregrinus. I cannot add anything to your apposite Comment.

      Plus, in addition to my previous quote (see, above), the elderly Irish Priest ended his tale by saying: “In Ireland, now, they have lost The Faith”.

      Please God, that will turn out not to be the case.
