Thursday 17 March 2022

Zephyrinus Spends Time In The Highlands Of Scotland. Travels Overnight From King's Cross Station, London, On “The Night Scotsman”.

“The Night Scotsman”.
Artist: Robert Bartlett.

One of the most visually beautiful of the Railway Posters, this Poster from 1932 emphasises the speed and comfort by which one can board a Train in London and arrive in Scotland the following morning, after a good night’s sleep.

The Locomotive powers into the night landscape, while the bright lights in the footplate area illuminate the skill of the driver and fireman.


  1. I have so many train photos with landscape now, will do one soon.

    I admire your dedication to this blog, and to what lies behind it

    1. Many thanks, John, for your very kind Comments.

      I was hoping that this particular Steam Train illustration would “tickle your fancy”. Delighted that it caught your eye and that you will be working on a Train in a landscape, soon. I look forward to it with great interest.

      Rest assured that I, too, am supported and encouraged by you, John, and your particular Artistic Blessings and dedication to your Blog.

      Per Ardua Ad Astra.

    2. Kölner Dom caught my eye too. My most successful drawing ever.

      Patsy and I lived in Cologne when we were 21 years of age and just married- 'The Dom' was the 5th highest building in the world at the time. When Patsy first saw it she was shocked: The buildings in the streets around blocked it from view until...There It Was in Full Splendour. Her inappropriate comment echoed through the 63 years of our marriage :)........ "Hells Bells"

    3. Thank You, John. I am impressed with your German. You obviously studied well during your time there.

      Thanks, also, for your interesting update on Cologne Cathedral. Patsy (also my sister's name) gave a memorable new nomenclature to the beautiful Cathedral: “Hell's Bells”. Every time I now see the Cathedral, I will remember Patsy (yours and mine) and say a Prayer.

  2. Something extraordinary and luxurious about the golden age of steam travel. Even though The Age has passed, it captures one’s dreams e’en still.

    And exotic mystery (“Murder on the Orient Express”).
