Wednesday 6 April 2022

Thanksgiving After Mass And Holy Communion.

From The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Renewal Of Baptismal Vows.

O, Adorable Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in Whose name I was Baptised, may thanks be rendered unto Thee for this ineffable gift that Thou hast, in Thy great mercy, bestowed on me rather than on so many others.

In sin did my mother conceive me, and I was born a child of wrath, but, by water and The Holy Ghost, hast Thou made me to be born anew, O, my God, and, in that same second, did I become Thy child, brother of Jesus, Thy Son, Co-Heir with Him in Thy Glory.

But, alas, I have not lived in accordance with the exalted precepts laid upon me. O, my Father, if I may still call Thee by this name after having offended Thee so gravely, forget the ignorance of my youth, forget the sins of my life.

I sincerely desire to serve Thee, all the rest of my days, in the way that Thou art worthy of my service.

This firm resolution do I take, today, in renewing before Thee the promises made for me at Baptism.

With all my heart, O, God, do I renounce Satan and all his deceits, the World with all its vanities, sin, and all desires of the flesh; I renounce myself and all the corruption of my heart, that I may adore Thee, love Thee, serve Thee, and fulfil all Thy Commandments; this is the promise I make at Thy feet, before Heaven and Earth.

O, Eternal Father, revive in me The Grace of Divine Adoption, which marked the early moments of my life, that I live no longer but for Thee. O, Jesus, my Saviour, by The Blood in Which I was purified, renew in me The Image of Thee, Which I have disfigured so frequently by sin.

Holy Ghost, Principle of All Good, be Thou also The Principle of all my thoughts, all my desires, all my actions, that, henceforth, there may be found nothing in me unworthy of a Child of God, a Member of Jesus Christ, and a Temple Consecrated by Thee.

Queen of Heaven, Blessed Spirits encompassing The Throne of The Almighty, Guardian Angel, under whose care I have been placed, Holy Saints, whose names I bear, and ye pre-destined Souls of all ages who compose The Celestial Court, bear witness of the promise I have made.

Assist me with your Prayers, that I may obtain, from God, The Grace of being Faithful to it, even unto death.


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