Wednesday 11 May 2022

Chauffeur Perkins Gets It Wrong Again !!!

Chauffeur Perkins drives Zephyrinus to Sunday Mass
in the current Charabanc, which Perkins is not enamoured with.
Illustration: PINTEREST

The instructions to Chauffeur Perkins were quite clear:
"Go and purchase a new form of conveyance.
The Old Charabanc needs replacing.
Go and find something new, innovative, and exciting".

And what does he come back with ???

This !!!

Where is Zephyrinus supposed to sit ???

Illustration: DREAM FACTORY


  1. Zephyrinus: Do secure the brandy flask before giving Perkins the key. -Dante P

    1. TOO LATE !!!, Dante P, TOO LATE !!!

      Perkins was up and away before I could access the brandy flask. It was ten miles before he managed to stop.

      My bruises are only slowly healing !!!

    2. !Que Lastima! Perkins needs to visit the confessional—or maybe one of those traveling padres can bring one to him—if the brandy flask is first secured next time, that is! -Dante P.

    3. Thank You, Dante P. I think a new stout Padlock and length of Chain is needed, just to ensure You Know Who doesn't get his grubby little hands on You Know What !!!
