Saturday 11 June 2022

Ember Saturday After Pentecost.

Illustration: FR. Z's BLOG

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Ember Saturday After Pentecost.

Station at Saint Peter's.

Indulgence of 30 Years and 30 Quarantines.


Red Vestments.

Rogation Day.
Circa 1950.
The Vicar and Sunday School Children go out into the fields to Bless The Crops. The little boy is carrying a symbolic Tree of Plenty.
Picture Credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images.
Illustration: ABOUT RELIGION


“The Gift of Holy Fear, or, The Fear of God, is actually the foundation of all other gifts. It drives sin from the heart, because it fills us with reverence, either for The Justice of God, or, for The Divine Majesty.”

Rev. M. Meschler.

After swelling the ranks of her children during the night of Pentecost, The Holy Ghost today is about to supply The Church with the Priests who are to be her Ministers of Grace all over the World, for He will pour out His Spirit upon her servants, as Joel prophesied He would upon The Apostles (First Lesson).

Very appropriately, therefore, The Church appointed for The Station this day the Basilica of Saint Peter, the Pastor of the Fold, and the Gospel tells us of a cure worked by Jesus in the house of Simon.

The Priest, as the Minister of Christ, devotes himself to the healing of Souls consumed by the fever of sinful passions.

As it has already been pointed out, The Mass on The Saturday in Ember Week has five Lessons, with Collect and Tract between the Introit and the Epistle. The fifth Lesson never varies: It is the record of the miraculous preservation of the three young Hebrew men in the furnace, followed by an extract from their Canticle of Praise and Thanksgiving.

The Collect of The Mass is based upon this Lesson, and beseeches The Divine Goodness that we may not be consumed by the flame of vice.

In The Sacrament of Holy Orders, the Priest receives a large outpouring of The Divine Spirit (Epistle) that will enable him to Preach The Kingdom of God (Gospel).

The Second, Third, and Fourth Lessons, refer to The Harvest, and to the offerings of the first-fruits of the Earth, for Ember Weeks were instituted with the object of obtaining The Divine Blessing on each of the Seasons as they occurred.

Having entered The Promised Land, the Isrælites offered its first-fruits to God.

Let us, having entered The Church by Baptism, offer to Almighty God the first-fruits of all that we do, through the supernatural influx of The Holy Ghost into our Souls.

Let us Pray to God that He may increase our Faith in Christ (Epistle and Gospel), and fill our hearts with His Holy Love (Epistle).

Mass: Cáritas Dei.
   After the Kyrie Eleison, the Tonsure is conferred.
   After The First Lesson, is the Ordination of Door-Keepers.
   After The Second Lesson, is the Ordination of Lectors.
   After The Third Lesson is, the Ordination of Exorcists.
   After The Fourth Lesson, is the Ordination of Acolytes.
   After The Fifth Lesson, is the Ordination of Sub-Deacons.
   After the Epistle, is the Ordination of Deacons.
Sequence: Veni, Sancte Spiritus.
   After the penultimate Verse of The Sequence, is the Ordination of Priests.
Preface: For Pentecost.
Communicantes: For Pentecost.
Hanc igitur: For Pentecost.

With the end of this Mass, Paschaltide comes to an end.


Ember Day Service.
Illustration: ABOUT RELIGION

Sunday School Children Celebrate Rogation Day in 1953.
A photo at Market Lavington Museum, Wiltshire, England.

Saint Michael's Church, Bunwell, Norfolk, England, has always been the centre of Village Life. In this picture, taken on Rogation Sunday, April 1967, the Rector, Rev. Samuel Collins, followed by the Choir, Parishioners, and The New Buckenham Silver Band, walk The Parish Boundaries and Bless the Stream.

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