Monday 20 June 2022

The Corpus Christi Throne For The Monstrance. Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini. 19 June 2022.

The Corpus Christi Throne for The Monstrance.
Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, Rome.
19 June 2022.
Illustration: FR. Z's BLOG


  1. Incredibly beautiful, Zephyrinus: Visual art serving the spiritual belief, par excellence.

    Once again, I find from your marvelous blog yet another Roman church gem of which I knew nothing: I looked it up on Google maps, and this beautiful church is only two blocks from the Tiber, and very near the Ponte Garibaldi, a well travelled bridge and route going from central Rome and the general area of central Rome where are located the Pantheon and the Piazza Navona, to Trastevere, and the great basilicas of S. Cecilia and S. Maria in Trastevere. (When I was last in Rome---during the K Edward VII's reign, I think--I was staying only a few short blocks from this remarkable sanctuary--and typically oblivious to its existence.) Another sight to see, "next time." Thank you, Zephyrinus.

    1. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, for your most welcome Comment.

      Delighted that you have now found this beautiful Church and will visit it on your next Roman visit. Well worth visiting.

      I note that you were last in Rome during His Majesty King Edward VII's Reign (1902-1910). You will note the increase in traffic when next you visit !!!
