Thursday 21 July 2022

Saint Praxedes. Virgin. Feast Day 21 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Praxedes.
   Feast Day 21 July.


White Vestments.

The Basilica of Santa Prassede
(Saint Praxedes), Rome.
Photo: 18 April 2015.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Feast of Saint Pius I, on 11 July, recalled to our mind Saint Pudentiana and her sister, Saint Praxedes, who placed their house at the disposal of this Holy Pontiff. Saint Pudentiana's Feast Day appears in the Cycle on 19 May, under the Reign of The Risen Lord, and Saint Praxedes's Feast Day is today, under the Reign of The Holy Ghost.

On Tuesday of The Third Week in Lent, The Lenten Station is held at Rome in the Titular Church of Saint Pudentiana and on the Monday in Holy Week at the Titular Church of Saint Praxedes.

Pope Paschal I depicted in a mosaic in the Basilica of Santa Prassede, Rome. He is presenting a model of the Basilica to Christ, and wears a square Halo, which means he was alive at the time of the mosaic.
This File: 16 August 2005.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Praxedes, a daughter of the Roman Senator, Pudens, Consecrated her Virginity to God (Epistle), and renounced her great wealth in favour of the Poor and of The Church. She thereby acquired the Treasure and precious Pearl of The Heavenly Kingdom (Gospel, Communion).

The Religious Ceremonies, which took place in her mansion, attracted the attention of the pagans. Many Christians were arrested there and led away to death.

English: The Apse.
Basilica of Santa Prassede, Rome.
Deutsch: Santa Prassede.
Rom; Triumphbogen und Apsis.
Photo: 13 May 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Welleschik
(Wikimedia Commons)

She died during Emperor Antonius's reign in the 2nd-Century A.D., after having besought God to deliver her from the sight of such woeful scenes. Her body was laid by that of her father and sister in the Cemetery of her grand-mother, Priscilla.

Let us Celebrate joyfully The Feast of the blessed Virgin Praxedes, in order to obtain thereby feelings of loving devotion (Collect).

Mass: Loquébar.



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1 comment:

  1. Of course, as Zephyrinus knows, one of the very ancient stational churches, and a great historic link, being the burial places of Santa Prasseda and her sister martyr Santa Pudenziana, and the present church apparently built between 780-822 AD. One of the English historians says that Alfred the Great (849AD-899AD) as a boy visited the completed basilica of S. Praxedes and was stunned by its mosaics—as pilgrims are today. Of course, Zephyrinus knows of Robert Browning’s bitingly satirical (but also rather thoughtfully moralizing study about the 4 Last Things) poem, The Bishop Orders His Tomb at St. Praxed’s,” set at this great basilica. -Notes by Dante P
