Monday 4 July 2022

Within The Octave Of The Holy Apostles Saint Peter And Saint Paul. 4 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Within The Octave Of The Holy Apostles
   Saint Peter And Saint Paul.
   4 July.


Red Vestments.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

“The Veneration of Saint Peter and Saint Paul is rooted in the very foundation of Catholicism; it can not become weakened, either in the people or in Souls, without great harm to Catholicism, itself.” [“The Liturgical Year”. By Dom GuĂ©ranger: The Fifth Day in The Octave of The Holy Apostles.]

Let us honour Saint Peter and Pray for The Holy Father, his successor. Let us obey the Pope, seeing in him the necessary intermediary between our Souls and God.

Mass: Mihi autem.
Creed: The Creed is said.
Preface: Of The Apostles.

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