Wednesday 21 September 2022

Morning Prayer.

Illustration: The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.
Available from

The following Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

The Church, ever solicitous for the Glory of God and the Sanctification of Souls, sets apart certain hours of the day and the night for Prayer.

“During the night, I arose to sing Thy Praise”, says the Psalmist, thus, it is that, in Monasteries, Matins are recited in the middle of the night.

“Seven times a day, do I Praise Thee”, adds the Psalmist, and the Official Prayer of The Church ascends up to Heaven during the day at:

Lauds (Dawn);
Prime (first hour, 0600 hrs);
Terce (third hour, 0900 hrs);
Sext (sixth hour, Noon);
None (ninth hour, 1500 hrs);
Vespers (when the “Vesper” Star appears, 1700 hrs);
Compline (night Prayers, with which all our duties and occupations come to an end).

In order to unite our voices with that of The Church, which Sanctifies with its Official Prayer the first hour of the day, let us recite for our Morning Prayers a portion of the Office of Prime.

In nómine Patris . . .
Pater noster . . .
Ave, María . . .
Credo . . .
Deus . . .
Dómine . . .
Glória Patri . . .
Sicut erat . . .

Traditional Catholic Morning Prayer:
Ambrosian Hymn:
“Jam Lucis Orto Sidere”.
Available on YouTube at

Ambrosian Hymn.
Jam lucis orto sídere . . .

1 Tim. i. 17.

Short Responsory.
Christe . . .
Christe . . .
Qui sedes . . .
Miserére . . .
Glória Patri . . .
Christe . . .
Exsúrge . . .
Et líbera . . .

Public Confession.
(Make the sign of The Cross)

Adjutórium . . .
Qui fecit . . .
Confíteor Deo . . .
Mísereátur . . .
Indulgéntiam . . .

Prayer For The Day.
Dignáre . . .
Sine peccáto . . .
Miserére . . .
Miserére . . .
Fiat . . .
Quemádmodum . . .
Dómine . . .
Et clamor . . .

Orémus . . .
Dómine . . .
Dómine . . .
Et clamor . . .
Benedicàmus . . .
Deo grátias.

Commemoration Of The Day's Saints.
In Cathedrals and Monasteries, The Martyrology is read. Instead of that, mention may be made, in accordance with The Calendar, of The Feast of The Day and of The Saints Commemorated.
Pretiósa . . .
Mors Sanctórum . . .
Sancta Maria . . .

Prayer For Our Daily Work.
Deus . . .
Dómine . . .
(the above is repeated three times)
Glória Patri . . .
Kyrie . . .
Christe . . .
Kyrie . . .
Pater noster (secreto) . . .
Et ne nos . . .
Sed líbera . . .
Réspice in . . .
Et sit . . .
Glória . . .
Sicut erat . . .


Dirígere et . . .

Reading Of The Little Chapter.
Dies et . . .

Throughout the year.
Dóminus autem . . .
Deo grátias.

During Advent.
Dómine, miserére . . .
Tu autem . . .

During Lent.
Quaérite Dóminum . . .
Tu autem . . .

In Passiontide.
Fáciem meam . . .
Tu autem . . .

In Paschaltide.
Si consurrexístis . . .
Tu autem . . .

The Blessing.
Adjutórium nostrum . . .
Qui fecit . . .

Dóminus nos . . .

Prayer For The Dead.
Psalm cxxix. De Profundis.
De profúndis . . .
Réquiem aetérnam . . .
Et lux . . .


Deus, véniæ . . .

Requiéscant in pace.

The Angelus.
An Indulgence of 100 days may be gained each time it is recited with devotion and a contrite heart. Also, a Plenary Indulgence once a month, subject to the usual conditions, by those who, at the sound of the Bell, recite it kneeling (except in case of impediment) morning, noon, and night. From Vespers on Saturday, and on Sunday, it is said standing. In Paschaltide (from Noon on Holy Saturday till the Saturday Noon before Trinity) the Regina Cæli is said, instead.

Angelus Dómini . . .
Et concépit . . .
Ave, Maria . . .
Ecce ancílla Dómini.
Fiat mihi . . .
Ave, Maria . . .
Et Verbum . . .
Et habitávit . . .
Ave, Maria . . .
Ora pro nobis . . .
Ut digni . . .


Grátiam tuam . . .

Regina Cæli.
Regina Cæli. . .
Quia quem . . .
Resurréxit sicut . . .
Ora pro nobis . . .
Gaude et . . .
Quai surréxit . . .


Deus, qui . . .

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