Saturday 17 September 2022

The Impression Of The Stigmata of Saint Francis. Confessor. Feast Day 17 September.

English: Saint Francis of Assisi.
Polski: Św. Franciszek z Asyżu.
Artist: Cigoli (1559–1613).
Date: 1597-1599.
Current location: Hermitage Museum,
Saint Petersburg, Russia.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Impression of The Stigmata of Saint Francis.
   Feast Day 17 September.


White Vestments.

Two years before his death, Saint Francis retired to Mount Alverno, Italy, where he began a Fast of Forty Days in honour of Saint Michael The Archangel. And lo ! In the midst of his Meditations, he saw a figure, like a Seraphim, with six wings dazzling and burning, whose feet and hands were nailed to a Cross.

Aware that suffering is incompatible with the immortality of a Seraphic Spirit, he understood this to mean that he would become more like Jesus and bear his Cross after Him (Gospel), not by physical Martyrdom, but by a Mystical kindling of Divine Love.

English: Basilica of Saint Francis, Assisi, Italy.
Photo: 7 March 2009.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

And, in order that this Crucified Love might become an example to us all, five wounds, resembling those of Jesus on The Cross, appeared on his feet, hands, and side. From his side, blood flowed abundantly.

The facts were so fully authenticated, later, that Pope Benedict XI ordered them to be Commemorated every year, and Pope Paul V, to kindle in The Faithful The Love of Jesus Crucified, extended The Feast to the whole Church.

Mass: Mihi autem.
Proper Collects.
Gospel: Si quis vult.

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