Sunday 16 October 2022

Food For Thought. Turn Off The Television For Twenty Minutes And Pray With Our Lady.

English: Queen of the Angels.
Latin: Regina Angelorum.
Date: 1900.
Collection: Petit Palais, Paris.
Source/Photographer: Art Renewal Center
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Rosary in Latin.
Available on YouTube


  1. Exactly, spot on, Dom Zephyrinus.

    For those of us (all of us?) who get very busy, also on YouTube, the Dominican fathers in the US have put together a brief “no frills” 15-minute Rosary, the purpose of which is to help busy working people, mothers caring for children, everyone else, be able to have a guided Rosary squeezed into their busy day. Search @ YouTube “Dominican Rosary.” (Now, for those who think this will be too brief, there are many other good tho’ slightly longer examples on YouTube, some with accompaniment and music, such as at “Rosa Mystica,” and also the late Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s Rosary, each with a brief meditation before each decade.

    I always derive motivation from the comment of the “2nd apostle of Malta,” the now-beautified Fr. George Preca, “Dun Gorg,” (d.1962) who always told others, “ The Blessed Virgin waits each day til midnight for your [daily] Rosary.” -Note by Dante P.

  2. An outstanding contribution, Dante P. Many thanks, indeed. I particularly liked the references to "the second apostle of Malta" and "The Blessed Virgin waits each day til midnight for your [daily] Rosary". Beautiful. Thank You.
