Sunday 9 October 2022

The Annual Holy Rosary Crusade Of Reparation. London, October 2022.


The Annual Holy Rosary Crusade Of Reparation.
London 2022.
Available on YouTube

The following Text is from FR. Z's BLOG

A friend in London sent this video of Procession with The Rosary, Rosary Crusade of Reparation.

He wrote:

It’s held each year on the Saturday after The Feast of The Holy Rosary, and the March starts at Westminster Cathedral, London, and ends at the Brompton Oratory Church.

Covid stopped it in 2020 and last year, due to severe restrictions, it was much smaller and entirely held outdoors. In effect, this year was its comeback in its glory after a two year hiatus.

The Crusade was started in 1984 by a good Jesuit, Fr. Hugh Thwaites SJ, who was himself a convert from Anglicanism HERE

This year, the Guest Speaker was the Provost of The London Oratory, Fr. Julian Large CO, and, despite a National Rail strike, attracted a considerable number of Faithful.

The Procession made its way through the busiest and most exclusive shopping district of Knightsbridge, passing shops that sell fashion items beyond the reach of many of the ordinary Catholics clutching their Rosaries, hemmed within two plastic ropes held by volunteer wardens.

However, many of the visiting Arab population, who make up the majority of buyers at these shops, stopped to take photos or respectfully stood by to see the Procession go past.

Some, however, impatiently revved the engines of their Bugatti Veyrons or their Ferrari Purosangues, above the endless Aves.

It’s the only day of the year that Catholics get to stop the traffic in London, and show public witness to The Faith. And it certainly feels wonderful to be in their midst.

Thank you for publishing it, Father, for the greater edification of The Faithful.

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