Saturday 19 November 2022

Man Rescued An Owl. A Few Months Later, She Did Something That Made Everyone Cry. Whoever Said That Animals Do Not Have A Soul Is Mistaken.

Available on YouTube

After being hit by a car and left for dead, a Great Horned Owl, named Gigi, was in rough shape. But, thanks to concerned citizens and the good people at Wild at Heart Animal Rescue Clinic, Gigi was saved and nursed back to health.

It was a massive job for the clinic, since Gigi sustained
huge injuries, which were complicated by other health issues like infections. The clinic was pleasantly surprised to watch Gigi recover, and even form a bond with Bird Specialist and Clinic President, Doug Pojeky.

Doug put his heart and Soul into helping the Owl recover,
and he was shocked by her beautiful response to him.


  1. Great vignette, thank you, Zephyrinus. Where we are in the mountains of the western US, there are about three varieties of owls. All of them are extremely intelligent and scrutinize humans, animals, and their prey. They do a wonderful job keeping the number of field rodents minimized.

    But your point is well taken. As Aristotle observed, even animals have an animal soul (De Anima), something our post-modern age has forgotten. -Note by Dante P

    1. Thank You, Dante P. The Article, above, is truly moving (to those who wish to be moved). It transends many things in today's World that are truly horrible. Plus, to be aligned with Aristotle, is an epithet that has Zephyrinus blushing !!! Meanwhile, let those who have eyes, see, and those that have ears, hear.
