Thursday 10 November 2022

Saint Tryphon, Saint Respicius, Saint Nympha. Martyrs And Virgin. Feast Day 10 November.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Tryphon, Saint Respicius, Saint Nympha.
   Martyrs And Virgin.
   Feast Day 10 November.


Red Vestments.

This File: 22 March 2008.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In the reign of Emperor Decius, Saint Tryphon suffered Martyrdom at Nicea in Bithynia. The Tribune, Respicius, touched by his fortitude, was converted and both were condemned to death by scourging (250 A.D.).

Two Centuries later, Saint Nympha, a Sicilian Virgin from Palermo, Sicily, fled to Italy before the invading Goths, and died in Tuscany. Her Feast Day is kept on this day, because her body, taken to Rome, was laid in the Church of Saints Tryphon and Respicius.

The Lenten Station on The Saturday after Ash Wednesday was formerly held in this Church.

Mass: Clamavérunt.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise

Saint Tryphon (also spelled Trypho, Trifon, or Triphon, and known as Tryphon of Campsada) is a 3rd-Century A.D. Christian Saint. He is Venerated by The Roman Catholic Church and The Eastern Orthodox Church as a Great Martyr and Holy Unmercenary.

Saint Tryphon was formerly Celebrated jointly with Saints Respicius and Nympha on 10 November in The Liturgical Calendar of The Latin Church from the 11th-Century until the 20th-Century. Saint Tryphon continues to be Celebrated (separately) on 1 February [O.S. 14 February] on both The Orthodox Liturgical Calendar and The Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints.

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