Monday 21 November 2022

The Presentation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Feast Day, Today, 21 November.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Presentation of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
   Feast Day 21 November.


White Vestments.

English: The Presentation of The Virgin Mary (detail).
Artist: Titian (1490–1576).
Italiano: TizianoPresentazione al Tempio (dettaglio).
Date: 1534 - 1538.
Current location: Accademia of Venice, Italy.
Source: Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Attribution of Floral Background:

After having Solemnised, on 8 September, The Nativity of The Blessed Virgin, and, four days later, The Feast of The Holy Name of Mary, a name given to her a short time before her Birth, The Cycle Celebrates on this day The Presentation in The Temple of The Child of Benediction.

These first three Feasts of Mary's Cycle are an echo of The Christological Cycle, which, likewise, celebrates:

The Birth of Jesus, 25 December;
The Imposition of His Holy Name, 2 January;
His Presentation in the Temple, 2 February.

English: The Presentation of The Blessed Virgin Mary
in The Temple.
Italiano: Presentazione di maria al tempio.
Artist: Alfonso Boschi.
Date: 17th-Century.
Source: Giovanni Piccirillo (a cura di),
La chiesa dei Santi Michele e Gaetano,
Becocci Editore, Firenze 2006.
Author: sailko
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Feast of The Presentation of Mary is founded on a pious Tradition, originated by two apocryphal Gospels, which relate that The Blessed Virgin was Presented in the Temple of Jerusalem, when three years old, and that she lived there, with other girls and the Holy Women, who had them in their care. Already in the 6th-Century A.D., the event is Commemorated in The East and the Emperor, Michael Comnenus, alludes to it in a Constitution of 1166.

English: The Presentation of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Monastery Church of The Assumption,
(Dillingen an der Donau) der Dillinger Franziskanerinnen in Dillingen an der Donau, Fresko mit der Darstellung des Tempelganges Mariens.
Photo: 26 September 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: GFreihalter
(Wikimedia Commons)

A French nobleman, Philippe de Maizières, who was Chancellor at the Court of The King of Cyprus, having been sent in 1372 as Ambassador to Pope Gregory XI, at Avignon, related to the Pope with what magnificence The Feast was Solemnised in Greece, on 21 November. His Holiness introduced The Feast at Avignon and Pope Sixtus V introduced it at Rome in 1585. Pope Clement VIII raised it to the Rank of Greater-Double and re-arranged The Office.

Mass: Salve, Sancta Parens.
Preface: Of The Blessed Virgin Mary: “Et te in Præsentatióne”.



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