Saturday 26 November 2022

Tongeren Abbey Cloisters, Belgium.

English: Tongeren Abbey Cloisters, Belgium.
Deutsch: Kreuzgang der Liebfrauenbasilika
in Tongerenin der Provinz Limburg (Belgien).
Photo: 11 October 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: GFreihalter
(Wikimedia Commons)


  1. As usual, Dom Zephyrinus stubs with hidden gems of Catholic art, architecture, and history: I was taken on a tour of Tongeren by my daughter, who lived nearby at that time, not very far away, but neither of us knew that these extraordinary former monastery abbey cloisters were attached to the rear area of the cathedral.

    The Tongeren cathedral is very striking and dates from the late 1200s. It has an enormous quite monumental, austere, stolidly tall Gothic tower which can be seen while approaching the city for miles. In fact, a Belgian relative of ours whose father served in World War II said that the German army used the massive Cathedral tower as a reconnaissance and spotting site to radio info regarding the advancing British and US Armies.

    St any rate, again Dom Zephyrinus informs one—even if one has visited the city—of historic Catholic sites that one missed! Thank you.
    —Note by Dante P

  2. Zephyrinus is most grateful to Dante P for this interesting addition to this Article. The comment on Tongeren Cathedral has given Zephyrinus food for thought !!! Perhaps another Article to come ?

  3. Most welcome—and Dante P meant to say, “As usual, Dom Zephyrinus STUNS with hidden gems...” Much
    more detailed history and architecture than “stubs!!”

  4. Prior Note by Dante P
