Tuesday 6 December 2022

Zephyrinus Has Been Invited To Spend Christmas With Friends In The Highlands, Scotland. He’s Travelling On The Caledonian Railway And Perkins (Chauffeur) Wants To Come Along !!!

Illustration: PINTEREST

Zephyrinus is looking forward to spending Christmas
with friends in The Highlands, Scotland.

Divine Midnight Mass for Christmas, good company, good fishing, excellent Scottish Whisky, and lots of bracing walks among the beautiful mountains.

However, Perkins (Chauffeur) is insisting on coming along
“to ensure the brandy and whisky keys do not get lost, Sir”.

Zephyrinus is worried !!!

Perkins (Chauffeur), looking “ever so ’umble”, offers
to look after the keys to the brandy and whisky cabinets !!!
Image: Punch’s Almanack 1869.

If Readers have any helpful opinions or tips on how to deal with Perkins, please leave your suggestions in the
Comments Section. Thank You.


  1. Very majestic pose for Zephyrinus/Holmes with his two poodles as he prepares to depart with Dr. Watson for sleuthing in the Scottish Highlands (no doubt to also enjoy some trout-fishing in the frigid Caledonian streams) while solving several murders of Moriarty.

    Loyal Perkins, diligent Perkins, devoted Perkins, ever watchful Argus-eyed Perkins, what would Dom Zephyrinus do without such a true-hearted devotee to the House of Zephyrinus?

    (By the way, Dom Zephyrinus may want to have an independent inventory of the brandy-whisky stores prior to the Scotland voyage when Perkins [and Jeeves] are at market in the Charabanc… Just to “help out” loyal, devoted Perkins.)

    Perhaps Perkins can be lured to the Glenfiddich Distillery in far remote Moray in NE Caledonia “to obtain stores for Zephyrinus”—with a £300 limit credit-card by the way—if just to give Zephyrinus a day, or three, of Christmas season peace. Perkins (and Jeeves) might even return with a fifth or two for Z. (And tousled hair and slightly red eyes.)

    The local constabulary may need to be forewarned. And be ready to post bail of course. “Merry Christmas, God bless us, every one,” says Tiny Tim.

    In the colonies, we call this “forecasting a [likely] loss.”

    Hope this is helpful, Dom Z.

    -Notes by Dante P

  2. Zephyrinus is indebted to Dante P for the pertinent and timely advice, reference Perkins and his crony, Jeeves. Zephyrinus has followed that pithy advice and has now communicated with the local Constabulary, who, apprarently, have been looking for Perkins for some little while (no further details known). Hopefully, they will not wish to detain him for too long, it's so hard to get Staff these days, don't you know. Meanwhile, a spot of Salmon fishing (fly, of course) is called for. Rest assured, Dante P, that the Brandy/Whisky Store Cupboard Keys have been secreted about Zephyrinus's person on a permanent basis. So far, so good. No calamities or need for the Constabulary. Although, come to think of it, I haven't seen either of them (Perkins and Jeeves) for a while. One wonders whether Moriarty has contacted them. I'll get Watson to snoop around. Christmas is getting nearer and Scotland is getting more beautiful (and much colder, snow is forecast). God Bless, everyone.
