Saturday 31 December 2022

Zephyrinus Wishes A Happy, Holy, And Peaceful, New Year To All Readers Of This Blog.

Illustration: SHUTTERSTOCK


  1. We are all thinking of Zephyrinus, undoubtedly constantly being ably served at his cozy Caledonian Christmas retreat, attended to, of course, by the untiring and selfless efforts of Jeeves and Perkins.
    We imagine the two are spending the day chopping wood for the daily and nightly fire, while singing manly Bonnie Scottish songs and rousing martial airs; sweeping and cleaning outlying areas and courtyards; beating the rugs and washing the windows; and indefatigably mopping and shining the floors to a highly bright sheen. O, what industrious workers, those two, like the biblical housewife in the parable who sweeps and searches and cleans until she finds the lost groat, unsatisfied until she achieves her goal.

    (Although, after serving Zephyrinus’ his mid-day meal, it would seem the sound of rug beating and wood-chopping do fall silent, and the Charabanc seems to be missing for some hours from the driveway until eventide, when they appear to return from the direction, it is said, of the village pub, their demeanor quite jovial and eyes a bit dilated—taking the country air, on a drive, no doubt. Ah those dedicated lads!)

    So, hoping Dom Z and his loyal crew are ready for this New Year 2023, Boxing Day having passed, and kmowing that he is certainly in the most capable and devoted hands. Indeed.

    God bless, Dom Zephyrinus (and do check the dram cabinet key is in your nightshirt pocket after compline each night).


    Your devoted correspondent from The Colonies, Dante Peregrinus

    1. A most gracious, welcome, and Seasonal Greeting, from our Colonial Correspondent, Dante Peregrinus. A Very Big Thank You, Dante P. Indeed, this Highland Retreat is doing Zephyrinus the world of good. Bracing air. Stunning scenery. Good cameraderie from The Clans.

      Reference " . . . the most capable and devoted hands . . .". When those two miscreants achieve such epithets, one will know, for certain, that they have breached the security surrounding the Brandy Cabinet.

      Rest assured, the Dram Cabinet Key is surgically affixed to Zephyrinus's Right Leg.

      Zephyrinus wishes a Very Happy New Year, and a Healthy New Year, to you, your family and friends (including the Spaniels), your Parishioners, and the lovely Carmelite Nuns.
