Sunday 8 January 2023

It Is Still Christmas-Tide. And It Will Be Until Candlemas On 2 February.

“O, Holy Night”.
Sung by: Regina Nathan.
Available on YouTube at


  1. Ah yes, beautiful “Christmas-tide,” a lost treasure of the traditional Catholic year.

    The world hurries off to more empty spectacles and entertainments, but the Holy Family resides a bit longer (until King Herod is aroused), in Bethlehem. -Note by Dante P

    1. As always, most grateful for your erudite Comment, Dante P. Yes, it is sadly true that today's World (and, regrettably, today's Modern Catholic hierarchy) appear to ignore, and treat with disdain, the treasures of The Catholic Church. These treasures have an intrinsic and captivating beauty, which the World cannot give. But the Catholic hierarchy and today's society have seen fit to ditch these treasures: Christmas-Tide; The Septuagesimas; Octaves; Vigils, etc. The Enemy must be laughing. However, those who continue to make use of these treasures will delight in their unutterable beauty, which nobody, including the hierarchy and the World, can take away from them.
