Friday 13 January 2023

Octave Day Of The Epiphany. 13 January.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Octave Day Of The Epiphany.
   13 January.


Privileged Octave Day.

White Vestments.

God manifests Himself to The Magi, by a Star.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Of the old Office, which Celebrated on this day The Baptism of Jesus and the glorious manifestation that The Heavenly Father gave of His Divinity, we have only preserved the Collects and the Gospel. The rest is taken from The Mass of Epiphany, so that we continue to keep in touch with The Infant of Bethlehem.

The whole World was awaiting The Messiah, and now that "The Sovereign Lord has come, Who holds in His Hand The Kingdom, and Power and Dominion" over all hearts (Introit), it is time that John appeared, "that man sent from God" (Last Gospel), "that Jesus may be made manifest in Israel" (Gospel).

The holiness of The Forerunner is recognised by all the Jews and Gentiles, who come in crowds (Epistle) to receive his Baptism of Penance. He has all the influence over them necessary for the fulfilment of his mission, which is to present, officially, The Bridegroom to The Bride, Christ to the Souls of men.

The Gospel tells us that John saw The Holy Ghost come down upon Jesus, and that He gave "testimony that He was The Son of God", Who "appeared on Earth in the substance of our flesh" (Collect).

The waters are from henceforth sanctified by their contact with The Man-God. It is by Baptism, in fact, that "all Nations shall be made to serve Jesus" (Offertory).

Mass: As on The Feast of The Epiphany (Ecce advénit), except the Proper Collects and Gospel.
Credo: Is said.


  1. Thank you, Zephyrinus, once again
    With this wonderful commentary, describing the Octave of the Epiphany and also Baptism of Our Lord. So many great feasts “come so swiftly” on us in our busy lives that it is so important to try to meditate on their mysteries of Christ’s life for the successive week. —Note by Dante P

    1. An excellent summation, Dante P. Thank You. As we all have previously stated, Octaves permit the exact meditation and appreciation of Feast Days that you mention. The only question is why were they eliminated by "Reformers" ? Meanwhile, we continue to acknowledge and keep all Octaves and Vigils (and Ember Days and Rogation Days), thus reinforcing The Church's beautiful and holy Liturgies.

  2. Now, as Zephyrinus and Dr. Watson extend their Scottish holiday during Epiphany and traditional Catholic Christmas season, we think of how fortunate Dom Zephyrinus is, having the ever-solicitous Jeeves and Perkins, and also Mrs. Hudson, assisting him daily, as he takes his evening pre-prandial, no doubt the 3 imitating piously the Thee Wise Men, bringing him so diligently, his smoking jacket & slippers, his cherrywood pipe (one of Zephyrinus’ favorites), and a fine Portuguese Sherry from Porto (meaning Perkins got access to the spirits cabinet). Ah such a faithful crew, taking on the spirit of Epiphany, and such a lucky, lucky Dom Z. -Note by Dante P

    1. Thank You, Dante P, for your welcome Comment. Delighted to report that the Scottish Christmas-Tide holiday progresses well. Dr. Watson and Holmes visited, yesterday, to report that Moriarty is active in the area and the Constabulary are aware. Mrs. Hudson complained that they had not notified her of their visit and she had to "make do" with her supplies in order to give them a proper Luncheon. You must understand, Staff !!! They can be soooooooo difficult !!! Pleased to report that the two reprobates, Perkins and Jeeves, have appeared to carry out their duties in a most professional and acceptable manner. One is now very apprehensive as to what is going on behind one's back !!! The Cherrywood Pipe, which Perkins remembered to bring along, together with the Persian Slipper full of one's favourite tobacco, is a great delight after one of Mrs. Hudson's outstanding creations for Dinner. Together with a fine Sherry (as you say). Rest assured, I demanded back, and received, the Spirits Cabinet Key from dear Perkins. He was not happy. Epiphany-Tide progesses satisfactorily and we are delighted to observe the Octaves, etc, and visit the local 11th-Century Norman Church for Mass on Sundays and Feast Days, plus Vespers, of course. Zephyrinus continues to Thank God for all his Blessings (and his Staff !!!).
