Tuesday 31 January 2023

Solemn Requiem Mass For King Louis XVI. Saturday, 21 January 2023. 1800 hrs (GMT). Samedi, 21 January 2023. Messe Solennelle De Requiem Pour Le Roi Louis XVI.


English: Solemn Requiem Mass For King Louis XVI. Saturday, 21 January 2023. 1800 hrs (GMT).
Church of Saint Eugène - Sainte Cécile, Paris.
Français: Messe Solennelle De Requiem Pour Le Roi Louis XVI.
Available on YouTube

Booklet available for download,
to enable you to follow The Mass, HERE


  1. Wonderful. A beautiful tribute. Beautiful to observe and spiritual food for thought.

    For all the decades (and even centuries) that Catholics have been bitterly demeaned and persecuted as “Royalists” (and admitting all the weaknesses and failures of royal leadership), it can hardly be said that modern liberal secular democracies, which perpetrate so much evil and expend a huge amount of their time (ALL their time?) spying upon, trying to control, and trying to “herd” their citizens like disobedient and stupid cattle, that these secular democracies are exactly the Golden Apotheosis of political craft. —Note by Dante P

    1. A most welcome Comment, Dante P. Thank You. The beautiful Church in Paris of Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cécile offers a magnificent way to watch On-Line the outstanding Liturgies of The Catholic Church. Available on YouTube. Their YouTube tag is ITE MISSA EST
