Sunday 5 February 2023

Excellent Suggestions From “Once I Was A Clever Boy” For “The Gesimas And Onwards”.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,


Sunday, 5 February 2023, is Septuagesima,
the beginning of the approach to Lent
and then ultimately to Easter.

With this in mind, I would heartily recommend reading an excellent Post by Claudio Salvucci on the “Liturgical Arts Journal” about the Traditional structure of the
Liturgical Calendar leading up to Easter.

He establishes well the case for the subtle differentiation
of the Lenten Season into “The Gesimas”, then from
Ash Wednesday to Lætare Sunday, four weeks of 
Lenten discipline, followed by Passiontide.

The Post can be seen at

That part of his argument about the coming three Sundays is also made by Fr. Hunwicke on his blog in SEPTUAGESIMA

So, go into the garden and bury the Alleluia, and take up your traditional Missal and Breviary - fully available these days online and on your mobile phone - and begin the spiritual journey to Calvary and to what lies beyond.

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