Saturday 1 April 2023

Chester Cathedral. (Part Nine).

Stained-Glass Window by Heaton, Butler and Bayne (1884) in the Chancel, Chester Cathedral. It shows Jesus, Saviour of the World. It is a Trinity Window, with God The Father, The Lamb of God, and The Holy Ghost, represented in the upper tracery. The main Central Light shows God as High Priest holding the infant Jesus. Left to Right, the other figures are: Saint Joseph; The Blessed Virgin Mary; Anna and Simeon.
Photo: 24 June 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Hystfield
(Wikimedia Commons)

Bishop George Edward Lynch Cotton.
Engraving: 1854.
Author: Francis Holl, probably after Eden Upton Eddis.
This File: 20 October 2016.
User: Shyamal
(Wikimedia Commons)

On 6 October 1866, he had Consecrated a Cemetery at Kushtia, on The River Ganges, in the, then, Bengal Presidency, and was crossing a plank leading from the bank to the steamer when he slipped and fell into The River Gorai.. He was carried away by the current and never seen again.[8]

The phrase “to Bless one’s cotton socks” is traceable to
Bishop Cotton’s death. While Bishop of Calcutta, Cotton ensured that children in his schools had socks to wear,
and he Blessed the socks upon their arrival, as he did other goods. Over time, “Cotton’s socks” became “Cotton socks”. Upon his sudden death, the Archbishop was asked,
“Who will Bless his cotton socks ?”.[11]

Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

The most famous feature of the Quire (Choir) is the set of Choir Stalls, dating from about 1380, and described above. The Lectern, in the form of a Wooden Eagle, symbol of John the Evangelist, dates from the first half of the 17th-Century.[50] The Candlesticks also date from the 17th-Century and are by Censore of Bologna, who died in 1662.[44]

With these exceptions, most of the decoration and the fittings of the Quire date from the 19th-Century and are in keeping with the Gothic Revival, promoted by The Oxford Movement and Augustus Welby Pugin.

The restored Vault of the Quire is typical of the period, having been designed by Scott and decorated and gilded by Clayton and Bell.[34]

Memorial Stained-Glass Window in The Cloisters, Chester Cathedral, commemorating Gordon Ralph Troughton Dean. It reads: In ever-loving memory of Gordon Ralph Troughton Dean, Lieutenant, 1st Battalion, The 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment. Accidentally shot near Lucknow, India, 19 July 1923, aged 26 years. In Thy presence is the fulness of joy.
Photo: 23 March 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Hystfield
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Quire is entered through a Screen designed by George Gilbert Scott, with gates made by Skidmore. The Rood was designed by Scott, and was made by F. Stuflesser.[4]

The Bishop’s Throne, or “Cathedra”, was designed by Scott to complement the Choir Stalls. It was constructed by Farmer and Brindley in 1876. The Reredos and the floor Mosaic date from 1876, and were designed by J. R. Clayton.

The East Window has tracery of an elegant Decorated Gothic design, which is filled with Stained-Glass of 1884 by Heaton, Butler and Bayne.[44]

Memorial Window, The Cloisters, Chester Cathedral, commemorating George Edward Lynch Cotton (1813-1866). Born in Chester. Headmaster of Marlborough College. Bishop of Calcutta and Metropolitan of India. Drowned at Kooshtea, Assam, India, 6 October 1866. Window Dedicated in 1926.
Photo: 23 March 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Hystfield
(Wikimedia Commons)

The 13th-Century Lady Chapel contains the Stone Shrine of Saint Werburgh, which dates from the 14th-Century and which used to contain her relics.

The Shrine, of similar Red Sandstone as the Cathedral, has a base pierced with deep Niches. The upper part takes the form of a miniature Chapel containing statuettes.

During The Dissolution of the Monasteries, it was dismantled. Some of the parts were found during the 1873 restoration of the Cathedral and the Shrine was re-assembled in 1888 by Blomfield.

The Lady Chapel has Lancet Gothic Windows with Mid-19th-Century Stained-Glass by William Wailes (1859) depicting The Passion, The Resurrection, and The Ascension of Christ.
Photo: 4 July 2010.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A carving of Saint Werburgh, by Joseph Pyrz, was added in 1993.[51] Also in the Chapel, are a Sedilia and a Piscina.

The Stained-Glass of 1859 is by William Wailes. The Chapel contains a monument to Archdeacon Francis Wrangham, made by Hardman & Co., and dating from 1846.[52]

In 1555, George Marsh, Martyr, stood trial here accused of heresy.[53]


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