Saturday 27 May 2023

Saint Bede The Venerable. Confessor And Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 27 May.

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Bede The Venerable.
   Doctor of The Church.
   Feast Day 27 May.


White Vestments.

The Venerable Bede,
translating The Gospel of John, on his deathbed.
Artist: James Doyle Penrose.
Date: 1902.
Exhibition History: 
(Wikimedia Commons)

Born at Yarrow, in Northumberland, England, Bede was committed, as a child, to Saint Benedict Bishop, Abbot of The Benedictine Monastery at Wearmouth.

The Holy Ghost filled him with Wisdom and Intelligence (Introit), wherefore his writings, penetrated by Holy Doctrine (Epistle), were read aloud in the Churches, even in his lifetime. As it was not permissible to call him "Saint", he was called "The Venerable," a Title he kept after his death.

He was one of the most learned Churchmen in the 8th-Century A.D., and his name is found among those of The Doctors of The Church.

Not satisfied with teaching men The Law and The Prophets, he also practised the most beautiful Virtues (Gospel). On The Eve of The Ascension, he received The Last Sacraments, embraced his brethren, lay down on the ground upon his hair cloth, said twice "Glory be to The Father, and to The Son, and to The Holy Ghost", and fell asleep in The Lord on 27 May 735 A.D.

Let us honour Saint Bede, The Holy Doctor, that we may always be enlightened by his Wisdom and helped by his Merits (Collect).

Mass: In médio.
Commemoration: Saint John I
   (Collects: from Mass: Sacerdótes Dei).

Tomb of The Venerable Bede,
Durham Cathedral, Durham, England.
Photo: 4 May 2008.
Author: robert scarth
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Bede (Old English: Bǣda or Bēda; 672 A.D. – 26 May 735 A.D.), also referred to as Saint Bede or The Venerable Bede (Latin: Bēda Venerābilis), was an English Monk at the Monastery of Saint Peter at Monkwearmouth and its companion Monastery, Saint Paul’s, in modern-day Jarrow (see Monkwearmouth-Jarrow), Northeast England, both of which were located in the Kingdom of Northumbria.

He is well known as an author and scholar, and his most famous work, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (The Ecclesiastical History of The English People) gained him the Title of “The Father of English History”.

In 1899, Bede was made a Doctor of The Church by Pope Leo XIII; he is the only native of Great Britain to achieve this designation (Anselm of Canterbury, also a Doctor of The Church, was originally from Italy).

Bede was, moreover, a skilled linguist and translator, and his work made the Latin and Greek writings of the Early-Church Fathers much more accessible to his fellow Anglo-Saxons, contributing significantly to English Christianity. Bede’s Monastery had access to an impressive Library, which included works by Eusebius and Orosius, among many others.

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