Monday 19 June 2023

Church Of Santa Maria Di Monserrato, Rome.

English: Church of Santa Maria di Monserrato, Rome.
Deutsch: Rom, die Kirche Santa Maria di Monserrato.
Photo: 28 January 2015.
Source: Own work.
Author: Dguendel
(Wikimedia Commons)

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The Spanish National Church of Santiago and Montserrat, in Rome, known as the Church of Holy Mary in Monserrat of the Spaniards (Italian: Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli, Spanish: Santa María de Montserrat de los Españoles, Latin: S. Mariæ Hispanorum in Monte Serrato) is a Roman Catholic Titulus Church and National Church in Rome of Spain, dedicated to the Virgin of Montserrat

It was established as a Titular Church in 2003. The last Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Mariæ Hispanorum in Monte Serrato was Carlos Amigo Vallejo.[1]

San Giacomo degli Spagnoli was erected in 1450 on the site of an earlier Church. By 1506, it was the location of two hospices for Spanish Pilgrims and the National Church of the Crown of Castile in Rome.[2]

Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli was founded in 1506, when the Brotherhood of the Virgin of Montserrat in Catalonia built a hospice for Spanish Pilgrims.[3] It served as the National Church and hospital for the Aragonese community in Rome.

When Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli was completed in the 17th-Century, the focus of the community shifted to that Church. San Giacomo degli Spagnoli was in poor repair, and many of the furnishings and artworks were transferred to Santa Maria in Monserrato, which is now the Spanish National Church. San Giacomo degli Spagnoli was later de-Consecrated and the building sold to the Missionaries of The Sacred Heart.[4]

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