Tuesday 13 June 2023

My Computer Does Not Speak Latin !!!

Illustration: SIMPLY RECIPES

On Trinity Sunday, 2020, Zephyrinus tried to put up 
a Post saying: “On Trinity Sunday, “The Asperges Me” 
returns to The Mass, instead of “The Vidi Aquam”, 
which is sung in Paschaltide”.

But my Computer apparently is not very good at Latin.

Instead of “Asperges Me”,
it printed out


The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

“Asperges me” is a Latin Antiphon that is sung
at a Roman Catholic High Mass [Editor: Or, the Main Mass on a Sunday] in all Seasons, except The Easter (Paschal) Season and Palm Sunday.

It Traditionally accompanies The Asperges, the ritual sprinkling of the Congregation, by the Celebrant, with Holy Water, as part of an Entrance Ritual prior to The Divine Mass, symbolising the cleansing of the people. Its words are taken from Psalm 50 (The Miserere).

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