Monday 14 August 2023

Hungarian Gothic Revival Artistry.

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Sacred Heart Church, Kőszeg, Hungary.
The Church of Jesus’ Heart is a Parish Church in the 
historical centre of Kőszeg, Hungary. The building is considered to be a fine example of Gothic Revival Art.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

The Church of Jesus’ Heart (Hungarian: Jézus Szíve templom) is a Parish Church in the historical centre of KőszegHungary. The building is considered to be a fine example of Gothic Revival architecture.

The Church was designed by Viennese architect Ludwig Schöne and was built between 1892 and 1894 in place of the old Korona Hotel on the main square. 

It is a Hall Church with three Naves, a Transept and a Polygonal Sacrarium. It has a fifty-seven metres high Tower and two Pinnacles. 

The Bells play a melody from Händel’s oratorio “Saul”. The carved Wooden Altars were made in Vienna and in Tirol

Many of the Stained-Glass Windows were donated to the Church by local families; they show pictures of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and Hungarian Saints, such as Saint Stephen, Blessed Gisella, Saint Emeric, Saint Ladislaus, Saint Elizabeth and Saint Margaret.

Several pieces of Mediæval and Baroque furniture and goldsmith’s work were taken to this Church from the older Saint James Church, including two Chalices made in 1421 and 1486.

The Organ was made in 1894 by the Rieger Brothers.

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